HPV Faqs


How do I know if I have an HPV infection?

With some HPV infections, you might never know. Many HPV types will show themselves in the form of warts, while some will have no visible symptoms and will only be identifiable by medical testing.

That said, the majority of the unidentifiable HPV types are completely harmless. Identifying bothersome HPV infections is easily done. Simply look for cauliflower like warts. You probably won’t know 100% for certain if this is HPV without talking to your physician, but at-home diagnosis can be a good starting point.

What are the most common types of HPV?

HPV types 1 and 2 are the most common. In fact, that’s why they’re called “Common warts”.

Types 1 and 2 affect the hands, feet, elbows, and knees, but mostly just the hands. More than half of all people on the planet have experienced types 1 and 2 at some point or other, and while these warts are uncomfortable, they’re completely harmless.

Will HPV lead to cancer?

Very few HPV types will lead to cancer, and the types that do will usually have no visible signs in the form of warts or anything else. This is why it’s very important for women between the ages of 21 and 65 do not neglect their regular Pap smear.

How is HPV spread?

Various HPV types spread in various ways. Plantar warts typical thrive on wet, non-porous surfaces, such as public shower floors. Hand warts can be transmitted from doorknobs, sponges, gloves, countertops, or skin to skin contact. You’re less likely to see an outbreak if you wash your hands regularly.

Genital warts tend to only spread through direct skin-to-skin contact, as they require moist, warm, porous surfaces to thrive. Genital warts can be prevented with the use of a latex condom, but may still spread if the affected area is not covered by the condom.

Can hand warts spread to the genitals?

Not at all. HPV has around 130 different types, and they tend to affect specific parts of the body.

How can I treat an HPV infection?

Your first step should be to consult your physician. That said, there are a lot of over the counter and prescription medications available, such as Wartec, and you should always combine treatment with a healthy, vitamin rich diet to keep your immune system ready to prevent further infection.

HPV means warts, right?

Not always. As said above, not all HPV types lead to warts. However, all warts are a result of HPV, and not simply having dirty hands or anything.

I’ve heard you can get warts along the respiratory tract, is this true?

This is true, but it is an incredibly rare condition. Respiratory papillomatosis is a condition wherein genital HPV type 6 or 11 is contracted within the respiratory tract. It’s presumed to be contracted by way of oral sex with a person who is infected with HPV.

That said, it is incredibly, incredibly unlikely, with only a handful of known cases to have occurred in recent medical history.

Can’t I just use a home remedy?

Some home remedies work, some are just silly superstition. For hand warts, vinegar tends to contain enough acidic content to burn away a common wart, but we cannot recommend any sort of home remedy attempt on genital warts.

What exactly is a wart?

A benign tumor. Basically an accumulation of dead, hard skin cells.

Can I get warts from frogs?

A benign tumor. Basically an accumulation of dead, hard skin cells.